Victim 2 Victor - Surviving Abuse and Overcoming Trauma

This podcast is to support victims of abuse. If you are stuck in your pain, unsure of how to even begin addressing all of the heartache and trauma of which you endured, I need you to know that healing is possible. I, and many former victims before you, have found the strength and hope to rise from the past and to create something magnificent for ourselves and for the people around us. The abuse I endured as a child and well into adolescence was obscene and I struggled for a long time to make peace with it, but I have made the decision to turn my pain into a powerful tool for others and myself. You can turn it around too. If you would like to learn or read more about me then please visit my website: You may also visit:

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Thursday Apr 15, 2021

Do you find that you tend to turn to food whenever you are feeling down? Emotional eating can be triggered by past trauma and the negative emotions directly related to it as it is a way for us to redirect a negative thought back to an area of positivity. The main reason we tend to emotional eat is to escape from the negative feelings of the past and it is usually a sign of us not being able to function well in the present. Many trauma victims may even rely on food to play out the role of the abuser by forcing food down their throat which imitates perpetuating harm to the body and the victim role is represented as the helpless role of receiving the abuse. This allows the victim to maintain the recurrent events of the trauma whilst also enabling themselves to dissociate, distract and then to soothe the pain through their food obsession.In this podcast episode, I will be sharing by own experiences as well as some tips on how to control emotional eating.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Thursday Apr 08, 2021

Women who experience intimate partner violence are more likely to suffer from mental health issues. It is common for women to become secluded and to not want to socialise anymore as they feel they are under the control of their partner. They fear any form of contact with others in case it comes out that they are being abused, which would then lead to even more abuse and can even result in death.Social support systems have been clinically proven to be vital in fostering resilience amongst abused women and includes social connectedness, social networking and supportive communities.In this podcast episode, I will discuss the importance of a social support system if you are suffering from domestic abuse. Please understand that help is available and I ask that you reach out to me at:  I will be able to guide you through how you can overcome the abuse and to get out and get help.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Monday Apr 05, 2021

Have you ever been subject to online bullying? Maybe you have been internet trolled? The internet has become a scary place where bullies can now hide behind fake accounts to put others down. Being victim to bullying can really lower our confidence and self-esteem. Many victims have even ended their lives because they were made to feel so bad that they couldn't justify living anymore.It's a sad world that we live in where people actually get joy by putting others down. We really need to raise our vibrations to live on a higher frequency where we empower and raise each other. Wouldn't life be so much richer this way?In this podcast episode, I discuss the motives behind trolling and why these bullies try to make others feel as bad as they are feeling themselves. I also discuss ways to overcome these feelings of hurt and to find ways to rise above any negative remarks which may be made about you.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Thursday Apr 01, 2021

What if it becomes so difficult for the abused partner to carry out their daily functions as a parent as they are too fearful that their partner may snap at them at any time?Parenting can be difficult and challenging at the best of times, but when children are exposed to and witnessing domestic abuse amongst partners, the effects can be devastating. Children rely on parents for unconditional love, support and grounding though when being raised in an abusive household, these basic needs are not met and can severely affect a child's brain functioning, leading to mental health problems and trauma.In this podcast episode, I will discuss the impacts that domestic abuse has on children. If you are currently victim to abuse from your partner and there are children involved then please do not suffer in silence and understand that help is available. Please reach out to me at: anu@victim2victor.netIf you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Monday Mar 29, 2021

Ever found yourself subject to deception? Maybe you had a deceptive partner or maybe you were the one who had to lie to save somebody else from getting hurt? There are many reasons as to why people lie, it's not that telling a lie turns us into bad people, lying can also be a form of protection and something we have had to use to save ourselves from being hurt.Honesty, on the other hand, is where you speak the truth. You are a person of integrity. You take responsibility for your feelings and actions. You are who you say you are and you act consistently amongst your friends, your family, your colleagues and strangers. Ultimately, you are true to yourself and to others.In this podcast episode, I will discuss the reasons as to why people lie and the consequences of living a lie as opposed to loving a life of truth and integrity. If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Saturday Mar 27, 2021

Critical people already know that criticism doesn't really serve any purpose apart from objecting negativity onto others. So why do we still do it? The answer lies in the fact that criticism is used as a tool of protection and as a form of ego defence  . People criticise because they somehow feel devalued by a particular behaviour, an attitude or a service which they may have been provided with. It's not that they particularly disagree by a behaviour or an attitude. Critical people tend to be easily insulted and in need of an ego defence which usually stems from early childhood when they would have been criticised by those whom they were close to and this would have led to emotional detachment. Critics will most probably be highly self-critical on themselves and so how they feel about themselves is how they view and feel about the world. In this podcast episode, I will be discussing why people are so critical about themselves and to others. If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Thursday Mar 25, 2021

Are you finding it difficult to learn how to forgive yourself or others?  You may be finding it difficult to grasp the importance of forgiveness and acceptance along your healing journey. If so then fear not as you are not alone.Healing emotional wounds is a process of self-exploration and one that can provide profound benefits no matter what stage of life you are in.  Whether it is accepting what went wrong, or if it's asking someone to forgive you, or it may be forgiving someone who has hurt you, or even forgiving yourself...forgiveness is the best possible gift you could give to yourself.In this podcast episode, I will be discussing the importance of acceptance and forgiveness to all of those who may have wronged you.I previously published a forgiveness & acceptance guided meditation which you may have already practiced, if you haven’t yet then please download this as it would benefit any of you who are on a healing journey and looking to move on from any of the demons of your past.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Why are we so easily offended?

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021

Are you somebody or do you know somebody who tends to take things too personally? What is it that makes a person so sensitive? Why do we let other peoples opinions and actions destroy our inner peace?Wouldn't life be so much better if we just respected that people will all have their own opinions and views on life as well as each other so it really is none of our business as to what others think about us or anybody else. In this podcast episode, I will be looking into why we get offended so easily and what we can do to rise above these comments to not allow anybody to destroy our inner peace.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Saturday Mar 20, 2021

This is an episode that I have been wanting to share with you all for a while now as it is a topic which lies close to my heart having experienced the shift from 3D to 5d myself over the years. I used to think that I was an outcast, I started losing interest in what I used to have in common with my peers. I became disinterested in the big car, the big house, gossip and I started taking responsibility for my thoughts and actions, rather than blaming others. I started to reflect on things that I did, communicating and thinking on a deeper level. I started attracting others who lived off a higher vibration and repelling those of a lower vibration.  I was undergoing some major changes within myself and to a point in my life where peoples energies did not affect me anymore. This was my awakening.Have you felt a change in your vibration? If so then you may be going through a shift in your state of consciousness. It’s a beautiful yet challenging process to go through as you are becoming more self-aware, spiritual and enlightened. You will be living on a soulful level, living a life of abundance, a life with no fears, guilt or regret and what a beautiful way to live. Listen on and learn about the transition from 3D to 5D consciousness and please do share your thoughts and comments with me as it would be such an honour to hear from you.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

Thursday Mar 18, 2021

Domestic violence and childhood abuse survivors can face ongoing and challenging effects of abuse and trauma. This leads to Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which occurs when trauma is not processed properly and 'filed away' in the way that other memories are. Triggers such as sounds, smells and words can cause you to involuntarily and vividly re-experience the trauma at a later stage and when you least expect it.Children who experience early childhood trauma, abuse or neglect are more likely to go on to develop profound and long-lasting mental health problems in adulthood, such as Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). This differs from ‘PTSD’ which is more typically associated with a single traumatic incident or set of traumatic events.The risk of developing C-PTSD is greater if trauma or abuse involves harm or abandonment by care givers and if it is repetitive and over a prolonged period of time, and if it occurs at a vulnerable age such as early childhood or adolescence, which are the critical years required for healthy brain development.I will explore C-PTSD in this podcast episode because the effects can be devastating, so more awareness and education needs to be raised about the impacts that this disorder can have on us and our well-being.If you would like to take your self development to the next level then please sign up to my FREE 12 week self discovery plan here: information about me can be found via links here: you are interested in my book 'Victim 2 Victor', it is now available on audio and can be found on:Audible: Amazon:

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